Membership Application Select An Option Executive Council $10000 Annually As an Executive Council Investor, you will have unique opportunities to work alongside area leaders guiding the economic direction of the Greater Adams County region and receive a robust menu of benefits designed to fulfill your objectives. Executive Council receives All benefits from Business Champion, plus: Investors receive one (1) voting seat on the Executive CouncilOne (1) seat on the following committees with Leadership opportunities: Development CouncilBAPP CommitteeAccess to professional connections and referrals through our diverse investor profilesFour (4) seats and sponsorship opportunities at Executive Council rates for State of the Region and AC-REP Gamechangers Early registration to Made in Adams series - an industry site tour Priority registration for LEAD Metro North participant reservation at investor rate and access to sponsorship topic days Prominent Marketing Placement as follows:Name in Annual Year-in-Review ReportLogo on the website with a link to your landing page Enhanced online Investor Directory listing Personalized social media marketing through our channelsExclusive access to leads and information on trends in the Greater Adams County Region Business Champion $5000 Annually AC-REP provides Business Champions with the opportunity to embed themselves in the community and contribute to the economic health of the Greater Adams County region as well as a variety of benefits designed to fulfill your objectives. Business Champion Investors receive all benefits from Community Ambassador + Invitation to attend all Executive Council meetings as a non-voting investorLeadership opportunity to be one of two elected representatives of the Business Champion Investors to the Executive Council, subject to investor approval One (1) seat plus an alternate on each of the following:Development Council BAPP Committee Discounted tickets and sponsorship opportunities at Business Champion rates for the following events:State of the Region (May) Legislative Preview Breakfast (December) AC-REP Gamechangers (Fall)Invitations to additional AC-REP events at investor rate:Legislative ReceptionAnnual Golf Tournament Opportunity to sponsor LEAD Metro North and special pricing for participantsWelcome post on our social media channels Use of AC-REP office and conference room by reservation Community Ambassador $2500 Annually This AC-REP investment establishes your place in the community from the moment you join. Our main mission is to champion the businesses of the Greater Adams County region to enable our entire community to grow, thrive, and reach its full potential. Joining our network of businesses strengthens not just your own but every investor’s position by sharing opportunities, information, and contacts. Investors at the Community Ambassador level include all benefits of the Opportunity Partner level, as well as,Leadership opportunity to be an elected representative of the Community Ambassadors to the Executive Council subject to approval by the committee One (1) seat on Development Council or BAPP Committee Sponsorship opportunities and invitations to all AC-REP events at investor rates Access to post the following on our website Upcoming events for your organization (subject to approval) Opportunity Partner $1000 Annually Joining AC-REP at this level means giving your business a running start. By creating a network of businesses, we strengthen our collective position and help people like you create new connections, spawning new business opportunities.Invitations to all AC-REP events at investor rate: Legislative ReceptionState of the RegionAC-REP Game ChangersGolf OutingLegislative PreviewComplimentary invitations to Made in Adams series - industry site tours Invitations to Development Council events (six yearly) LEAD Metro North participant at investor rate Receive all AC-REP Communications AC-REP 360 Investor e-Newsletter (monthly)Press Releases and e-News Alerts Access to post the following on our website: Listing in our online directory Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameBusiness Name View Investor Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone